Body size and trophic level increase with latitude, and decrease in the deep-sea and Antarctica, for marine fish species
Han-Yang Lin,
Mark John Costello
1,414 views · 81 downloads
Progress in the discovery of isopods (Crustacea: Peracarida)—is the description rate slowing down?
Lena Hartebrodt,
Simon Wilson,
Mark John Costello
999 views · 64 downloads
Optimal sample type and number vary in small shallow lakes when targeting non-native fish environmental DNA
Maïlys H.V. Picard,
Anastasija Zaiko,
Annabel M. Tidy,
David J. Kelly,
Georgia Thomson-Laing,
Shaun P. Wilkinson,
Xavier Pochon,
Marcus J. Vandergoes,
Ian Hawes,
Susanna A. Wood
1,472 views · 105 downloads
Assessment of the recovery and photosynthetic efficiency of Breviolum psygmophilum and Effrenium voratum (Symbiodiniaceae) following cryopreservation
Joseph K. Kihika,
Susanna A. Wood,
Lesley Rhodes,
Kirsty F. Smith,
Juliette Butler,
Ken G. Ryan
1,506 views · 66 downloads