Effects of different fertilizers on nutrient quality and mineral elements in different economic forage groups in Qilian Mountain alpine meadows
Xin Chen,
Ting Jiao,
Zhongnan Nie,
Degang Zhang,
Juan Wang,
Juan Qi
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Autotoxicity effect of water extracts from rhizosphere soil of Elymus sibiricus in different planting years on seed germination, physiological characteristics and phytohormones of seedlings
Hang Yang,
Jinglong Su,
Juan Qi
737 views · 71 downloads
Gene ssa-miR-301a-3p improves rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) resistance to heat stress by targeting hsp90b2
Zhe Liu,
Fang Ma,
Yujun Kang,
Xiaoxia Liu
958 views · 93 downloads
Chromatin accessibility landscape of stromal subpopulations reveals distinct metabolic and inflammatory features of porcine subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue
Wenyang Sun,
Tinghuan Zhang,
Silu Hu,
Qianzi Tang,
Xi Long,
Xu Yang,
Shuangbao Gun,
Lei Chen
1,566 views · 106 downloads