partR2: partitioning R2 in generalized linear mixed models
Martin A. Stoffel,
Shinichi Nakagawa,
Holger Schielzeth
8,997 views · 1,256 downloads
Intact tactile anisotropy despite altered hand perception in complex regional pain syndrome: rethinking the role of the primary sensory cortex in tactile and perceptual dysfunction
Annika Reinersmann,
Ian W. Skinner,
Thomas Lücke,
Nicola Massy-Westropp,
Henrik Rudolf,
G. Lorimer Moseley,
Tasha R. Stanton
2,190 views · 341 downloads
Association between body mass index and blood pressure levels across socio-demographic groups and geographical settings: analysis of pooled data in Peru
Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz,
Rodrigo M. Carrillo-Larco,
J. Jaime Miranda
1,796 views · 531 downloads
Sheath-tailed bats (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) from the early Pleistocene Rackham’s Roost Site, Riversleigh World Heritage Area, and the distribution of northern Australian emballonurid species
Tyler R. King,
Troy J. Myers,
Kyle N. Armstrong,
Michael Archer,
Suzanne J. Hand
1,590 views · 367 downloads