We are excited to announce a new series of journals, which will open for submissions in September: Open Advances will offer globally equitable access to participate in scientific communication, with no financial barriers to read or publish. Driven by leaders in their...
Annual Institutional Memberships – a new model to move Open Access beyond the APC and towards collective action to support globally equitable access
Today we announce a new membership model - and our first partner - which will move Open Access beyond the Article Processing Charge in a step towards our goal of collective action to support globally equitable access. We are excited to announce the launch of a brand...
World Seagrass Day 2023 – PeerJ Highlights Collection and IABO Hub Call For Papers
March 1st 2023 marks the first annual World Seagrass Day! This day was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in May 2022 following a resolution proposed by Sri Lanka to emphasize the conservation of this important marine habitat. To celebrate World Seagrass...
PeerJ at 10: revisiting our first articles, one decade – and 16,041 articles – later.
10 years ago we published our first articles. PeerJ was announced to the world in June 2012; 5 months later, at the end of November 2012, we launched our own submission and peer review platform; and 3 months after that, on February 12th, 2013, the first 30 articles...
PeerJ at 10: now ALL PeerJ articles will be published with their entire peer review history
We're making peer review more transparent at PeerJ, and increasing the opportunity for reviewers to publicly claim credit for their contribution Since PeerJ’s launch 10 years ago we have championed Open Peer Review by offering authors the option to publish their peer...
New Fully OA Blog launched
PeerJ is a founding member of the Fully OA Group who this week launched a new blog dedicated to Open Access A brand new initiative, the Fully OA blog, was launched this week by the Fully OA Group. Born out of the OASPA Interest Group of Fully OA journal...