Rob Gay on his PrePrint Experiences at PeerJ

PrePrints continue to increase in popularity among academics, with a number of recent blog posts highlighting their utility (from ourselves, Stephen Curry, Liz Martin-Silverstone, Tim Gowers and Mike Taylor (twice)). Given this level of interest, we thought it would...

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John Bruno on his PrePrint Experiences at PeerJ

PrePrints continue to increase in popularity among academics, with a number of recent blog posts highlighting their utility (from ourselves, Stephen Curry, Liz Martin-Silverstone, Tim Gowers and Mike Taylor (twice)). Given this level of interest, we thought it would...

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PeerJ Collection of the 5th Turtle Evolution Symposium

PeerJ Collection of the 5th Turtle Evolution Symposium

We are pleased to announce that the PeerJ Collection of the 5th Turtle Evolution Symposium is growing and after the meeting, will include the papers of the contributions to the Symposium. The abstracts – published as preprints – are already available online. We asked...

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