The University of Glasgow has joined the PeerJ AIMs program, providing unlimited, APC-free publishing for their authors to ensure their research is made openly available
The University of Glasgow are the latest institution to take out a PeerJ AIM. By becoming a Member, University of Glasgow ensures that their affiliated researchers will be able to publish without having to pay any publication fees. Authors are required to make a pre-submission eligibility check, which will be reviewed by the University of Glasgow membership manager.
The University of Glasgow strongly supports open access. It is committed to ensuring wide access to the scholarly outputs from its research activities, in acknowledgement that making research outputs more readily available increases the potential for community engagement, citation, reuse and impact.
University of Glasgow authors can find out more on their PeerJ page, or by watching the video below.
A PeerJ Annual Institutional Membership (AIM) provides unlimited, frictionless OA publishing for institutional partners and their faculty. Simple to manage, easy to purchase and providing great cost saving opportunities, researchers will never have to worry about having to pay an APC, and librarians can say goodbye to the administrative overhead of dealing with payments on an article by article basis.
AIMs pricing is tiered and based on an institution’s publishing history in PeerJ’s journal portfolio. When a partner’s renewal is calculated, if the equivalent APC cost would have been less than the Membership fee, they can choose to carry over the difference towards their Membership renewal, or contribute to PeerJ’s Global Publishing Fund, which supports authors without the means to publish OA. AIMs simplify OA and are an important step towards a non-APC future of globally equitable access to read and publish open science.
Institutions who are interested in AIMs should contact PeerJ.