New PeerJ Awards — Partnering with conferences in bioinformatics, biomechanics, chemistry, cognition and computer science

by | Apr 24, 2019 | Announcement, Awards, Conferences, Societies

PeerJ is currently sponsoring nearly 25 conference awards within our PeerJ Awards Program. We are very pleased to partner with a number of societies and conferences so that together we can acknowledge rigorous science by students and early career researchers as well as further efforts in open access and open communication.

Award winners typically receive a free publication in PeerJupon acceptance through our normal submission and peer review system, along with an interview on our site about their current research and next steps. Get in touch, details at the end of this email, if you have a conference that might be a good candidate for a PeerJ Award.

PeerJ Awards Calendar: May – July 2019

May 1-4
Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics
Manaus, Brazil

The Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics is the main biomechanics event in South America. Every two years it brings together scientists, students, and professionals from different backgrounds working within the field of biomechanics. The Congress also includes the Latin American Meeting of Biomechanics as part of its program. With a number of national and international speakers, this 18th Congress is being held in Manaus, Brazil and is organised by a consortium of institutions with the support of the Brazilian Society of Biomechanics.

PeerJ is pleased to provide the Best Oral Presentation Award at the Congress. The award aims to support rigorous scientific effort by early career researchers as well as to bring continued awareness to the benefits that open access and open communication have in furthering scientific progress in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Biomechanics. See meeting updates at #CBB2019, @cbb2019, @brazsocbiomech.

May 8-10
Holobiont 2: 2nd Intl Conference on Holobionts
Montréal, Canada

PeerJ is pleased to announce the PeerJ Award for Best Contribution at Holobiont 2: The Second International Conference on Holobionts, being held May 8-10, 2019 in Montréal. Topics at the conference will include: ecological principles in the holobiont, holobiont and evolution, communication within the holobiont, holobiont resistance and resilience, manipulation/restoration of the holobiont, and omics of the holobiont. This conference follows the successful 1st Holobiont Conference held in Paris two years ago. Follow conference updates at #holobiont2 and @yergeaue.

May 30-June1
WSeS-8: 8th Workshop of the International Scientific Network Selenium Sulfur Redox & Catalysis
Perugia, Italy

SeS Redox and Catalysis is an international network for the development of multidisciplinary research projects connected to Selenium, Sulfur and other Redox Catalysts. The activity of the network began in 2011 from within the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Perugia, Italy and rapidly grew to involve scientists from all over the world. Previous editions of SeS workshops have been held in Japan, Poland, and Brazil. These workshops are designed as a space for young researchers (undergraduate students and PhD students) in order to give them the opportunity to present their results and research in a stimulating, supportive, and multidisciplinary environment. A PeerJ Award will be offered to young participants in the areas of chemistry, pharmacy, and biochemistry for Best Oral Presentation. The workshop is the pre-event of The International Conference of Chemistry of Selnium and Tellurium (ICCST-14) that will be held in Cagliari, Italy June 3-7.

June 6-8
Progressive Palaeontology 2019
Birmingham, UK

Progressive Palaeontology (ProgPal) is an annual conference for postgraduate research students who wish to present their results at any stage of their research. Undergraduate students in their final year and likely to be starting a postgraduate course later that calendar year are also welcome to attend. All aspects of Palaeontology are welcome. Progressive Palaeontology provides a framework for developing palaeobiologists in which to present ideas and undertake discuss on their work amongst peers, and is accompanied by social events and field trips. The venue for Progressive Palaeontology changes annually, and the meeting is organised and run by research students. PeerJ is pleased to support this student conference with a PeerJ Award for Best Talk. See meeting updates @ProgPal2019 and #ProgPal2019.

June 24-28
11th International Young Scientists School – Systems Biology and Bioinformatics (SBB2019)
Novosibirsk, Russia

Bioinformatics is a rapidly developing field of knowledge. Each of the past Young Scientists Schools concerned topics urgent at those times. To preserve this tradition, SBB 2019 will be dedicated to bioinformatics and systems biology in such areas as genomics and transcriptomics, evolutionary bioinformatics, structural biology, systems biology, biomedicine, and the genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, and biotechnology of plants. PeerJ is pleased to provide a PeerJ Award for Best Paper at SBB 2019 hosted by the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS in Novosibirsk, Russia.

July 14-16
Science of Magic Conference
Chicago, Illinois

The Science of Magic Conference will bring together academics and researchers in psychology, cognition and neuroscience and magicians from around the world. The conference will include keynote speakers, presentations on recent research, a poster session, a gala show and will showcase work that scientists and magicians are doing to enrich our understanding of the nature, function, and underlying mechanisms of magic. This meeting is not only intended to afford great opportunities to build collaborations and identify new shared interests between magicians and scientists but it will also allow for dialogue that has great potential for speeding the rate and quality of scientific discovery while enhancing the artful performance of magic. PeerJ is pleased to partner with the Science of Magic Association and provide a PeerJ Best Presentation Award at the conference.

July 29-31
MechanoChemBio 2019
Montréal, Canada

MechanoChemBio 2019 is a multidisciplinary conference uniting scientists from biology, chemistry, physics and materials science. Common to these diverse lines of research is a primary drive to understand dynamic responses of complex molecules to mechanical stimuli.

The program will consist of invited and contributed talks and an extended poster session to provide opportunities for interacting with scientists from other disciplines. Young scientists are especially encouraged to attend. The organizers expect a lively meeting that will highlight the current state of research in mechanochemistry and mechanobiology, as well as inspire further developments and collaborations. PeerJ is pleased to provide a PeerJ Award for Best Presentation by an early career researcher at MechanoChemBio 2019. Follow meeting highlights at #MCB2019.


Summary list of PeerJ Awards May – July 2019

  • Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics, Manaus, Brazil, May 1-4, 2019
  • 2nd International Conference on Holobionts, Montréal, Canada, May 8-10, 2019
  • WSeS-8: 8th Workshop of the International Scientific Network Selenium Sulfur Redox & Catalysis, Perugia, Italy, May 30-June1, 2019
  • Progressive Palaeontology 2019, Birmingham, UK, June 6-8, 2019
  • 11th International Young Scientists School – Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, Novosibirsk, Russia, June 24-28, 2019
  • Science of Magic Conference, Chicago, Illinois, July 14-16, 2019
  • MechanoChemBio 2019, Montréal, Canada, July 29-31, 2019

Catch up on PeerJ research in these areas and more: Bioinformatics and Genomics, BiochemistryBrain and Cognition, Paleontology and Evolutionary Science, and Chemistry.

About: PeerJ publishes two open access, peer-reviewed publications: PeerJ serving the Life and Environmental Sciences and PeerJ Computer Science. Additionally, PeerJ is thrilled to be accepting submissions as of January 2019 for five newly launched, open access PeerJ Chemistry journals. We also publish PeerJ Preprints which is an innovative ‘preprint server’ covering Biology, Medical, Environmental and Computer Science. PeerJ’s mission is to efficiently publish the world’s knowledge. We aim to drive the costs of publishing down for the academic community while improving the overall publishing experience and providing authors with a publication venue suitable for the 21st Century.

By teaming up with a number of conferences to offer these awards, we are making it as easy as possible for organizers to reward excellence in science, support students and early career researchers, and signal to the wider research community that open science is better science. Learn more here and get in touch with PeerJ Community Manager Sierra Williams at

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