PeerJ Author
105 Points
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James P Balhoff
PeerJ Author
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PeerJ Contributions
June 13, 2018 - Version: 1
Phenoscape: Semantic analysis of organismal traits and genes yields insights in evolutionary biology
Paula M Mabee, Wasila M Dahdul, James P Balhoff, Hilmar Lapp, Prashanti Manda, Josef Uyeda, Todd Vision, Monte Westerfield
January 23, 2015 - Version: 1
T. Alexander Dececchi, James P Balhoff, Hilmar Lapp, Paula M Mabee
June 5, 2013 - Version: 1
Peter E Midford, T Alex Dececchi, James P Balhoff, Wasila M Dahdul, Nizar Ibrahim, Hilmar Lapp, John G Lundberg, Paula M Mabee, Paul C Sereno, Monte Westerfield, Todd J Vision, David C Blackburn