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This paper is ready for publication in its current form.
[# PeerJ Staff Note - this decision was reviewed and approved by Xiangjie Kong, a PeerJ Section Editor covering this Section #]
The paper is not carefully edited, despite the claims of the authors. A somewhat random check led me to discover that two references are in fact to the same paper (Brown 2020a and Brown 20202b). But what puzzles me is the claim that LLMs understand language* (even within quotes) which I find nowhere in Brown et al. I would recommend the authors to use scientific rigour, as there is sufficient journalistic non-sense on this topic, and to carefully state the facts, especially when attributed to other authors.
From the paper:
* 368-369 According to Brown et al. (2020a), LLMs have the ability to learn from few or even no examples due to their inherent ability to “understand” language.
The reviewers appreciate the effort invested in revisions. Minor improvements related to language and accuracy are still necessary.
I would like to thank the authors for addressing all my previous comments in this section.
I would, on the other hand, encourage the authors to perform a second thorough English check (spelling, duplicate etc.)
For example (lines in the new manuscript):
Line 231 "given by each given by each"
Line 232 "that word to the of that word"
I would like to thank the authors for addressing all my previous comments in this section and for their responses.
I would like to thank the authors for addressing my previous comments in this section and for their responses.
I would like to, on the other hand, encourage the authors to further address the following points:
Regarding my previous comment "The study lacks discussion/information about the connection between the emotions selected for the dataset and depression (or other mental disorders) since depression is heavily mentioned at the beginning of the article and the connection is never made between these emotions and depression.":
I appraciate the new additions but it would be great to give a comment on which of the emotions are directly related to depression and how different models are performing at recognizing these emotions.
Regarding my previous comment "The authors claim that there are significant improvements but statistical tests supporting these claims are not presented. In order to claim significant differences, statistical data analysis should be performed (e.g., T-Test)."
I appraciate the explanation provided by the authors on the statistical analysis and why it is a limitation. On the other hand, the text still contains the same claim the the improvements are significant (line 496, line 534). I believe that in order to use the word "significant" for an outcome you have to perform the statistical analysis, otherwise there is no way of knowing whether the difference is significant or not. Hence, the authors should remove the word "significant" from these lines (496 and 534 in the new manuscript).
I would like to thank the authors for addressing all my previous comments in this section.
Sufficient and proved.
I want to thank the authors for the effort made in their manuscript revision. The rebuttal letter was detailed and it addressed the concerns I had with the initial version of the paper. Overall, the paper is clear and meets the standards for the journal.
The reviewers recommend significant improvements both in the technical rigour and in the clarity of the manuscript. Please follow all their recommendations closely.
**PeerJ Staff Note:** Please ensure that all review and editorial comments are addressed in a response letter and that any edits or clarifications mentioned in the letter are also inserted into the revised manuscript where appropriate.
**Language Note:** The review process has identified that the English language must be improved. PeerJ can provide language editing services - please contact us at for pricing (be sure to provide your manuscript number and title). Alternatively, you should make your own arrangements to improve the language quality and provide details in your response letter. – PeerJ Staff
The article is written clearly in professional English but it needs to be checked for any typos and missing spaces between parentheses, words, and commas such as Line 154 and Line 104.
The article is easy to follow and the raw data were shared. The methods utilized and the datasets used are explained clearly but there are a couple of shortcomings:
The abstract lacks mention of NLP approaches, social media, and text modality. It would be clearer if these keywords were mentioned in the abstract as well.
Line 39: References are needed to support the claim that "there are remarkable results demonstrated with transformer-based models".
Line 92: Arousal refers to the strength or the intensity of the emotion and excitement is an emotion. The authors used "level of excitement" to define arousal but excitement is an emotion that can be defined with a level of arousal. Hence, I would recommend using strength or intensity.
Line 96: There are emotion models with 15 emotions (Passion and Reason: Making Sense of Our Emotions, Richard and Bernice Lazarus, 1994) and 27 emotions (Self-report captures 27 distinct categories of emotion bridged by continuous gradients, Cowen and Keltner, 2017) which contradicts the claim that the existing emotion models are up to 8 emotions. I would recommend either changing it or limiting the context in order to claim that the max is 8 emotions.
Line 101: References are needed for related works that use Plutchik's emotion model
Line 121: WordNet-Affect is mentioned twice with different references.
The investigation carried out is extensive and explained clearly but there are a couple of shortcomings:
Clear research questions are needed for this study to highlight the contribution of the article. Is it the analysis of different models and approaches, the creation of a dataset, or both? For the analysis of different models, the models should be tested with additional datasets to see their behavior and for the creation of a dataset, descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, and data cleaning (e.g., debiasing and balancing) are necessary to produce validated datasets.
Why these linguistic features are utilized in the feature-based classification and not others is not clear. If this is according to Figure 1 (the information gain), why did the authors use linguistic features that are not represented in the information gain analysis, and why use the ones that do not carry informative features?
According to Table 1, the data is unbalanced in terms of individual emotions which the authors mentioned but the data is also skewed towards negative emotions overall (e.g., only 0.005% joy and 0.16% neutral). This would mean that the training (fine-tuning) of the models with this data would produce biased results. I appreciate that they used the "weighted average F1 score" but since the dataset is one of the contributions of this study, further effort should be put into eliminating or minimizing the skewness of the dataset if not the balance of individual labels.
The study lacks discussion/information about the connection between the emotions selected for the dataset and depression (or other mental disorders) since depression is heavily mentioned at the beginning of the article and the connection is never made between these emotions and depression.
The authors claim that there are significant improvements (e.g., line 431) but statistical tests supporting these claims are not presented. In order to claim significant differences, statistical data analysis should be performed (e.g., T-Test).
How can the proposed emotion dataset be compared and/or referred to the DAS (Depression, Anxiety, Stress) model? An investigation regarding the relation between the emotions introduced to the existing emotion models/datasets and the DAS model is required since the starting point for this work was to provide the model and datasets that would be utilized in mental health settings, especially the detection of depression through social media posts.
Below you can find a couple of typos I noticed and two suggestions (only suggestions for the authors regarding formatting)
Line 98: PLUTCHIK should be in lowercase after the capital letter as in "Plutchik" in the reference.
Line 104: What is ED? This is the first mention of ED.
Line 189-191: Duplicate phrase "could represent other states"
Line 204: "is" and "was" are both used one after the other.
Line 409-410: Duplicate phrase "ensure the output"
In order to present the models utilized in the analysis consistently, the RoBERTa-based models (301-306) should be presented in the same way BERT-based models (292-300) are presented (formatting only).
In Table 3, it would be better to present whether a model is a RoBERTa-based model or BERT-based model and whether it is a mono- or multilingual since the table has space to include this information and make the distinction between results clearer. Furthermore, I would suggest grouping the models based on which architecture they are based on and separating them with clear lines.
This paper contributes to the field of emotion analysis in the Spanish language. The authors conducted a set of comparisons of multiple models, including state-of-the-art encoder-decoder transformers, generative large language models, and simple multilayer neural networks which leverage a set of linguistic features. The objective was to identify the one that performs best on the task of emotion classification. The contribution of the paper is two-fold: 1) the authors compiled several datasets from previous literature on emotion analysis in Spanish, creating a larger corpus that encompasses a total of 16 different emotions. This is an expansion from traditional datasets, which typically focus on the 6 emotions defined by Ekman; 2) the authors conducted extensive comparisons of large language models, both encoder and generative architectures, by fine-tuning them on the compiled corpus. They conclude that the MarIA encoder-based transformer achieves the best result on the task with a macro-F1 of 60%
Overall, the topic and content of the paper seem well-suited for the journal. The dataset compiled and curated by the authors can be of great value for future research in the field, particularly given that most available datasets are in English. The results from their experiments with different transformer-based architectures can serve as a benchmark to establish a baseline level of difficulty for the task.
More generally, the paper suffers several limitations that require revisions before being acceptable and considered for publication. Here are some suggestions to improve the paper:
1. I would highly recommend having a colleague, who is proficient in English and familiar with the research area, proofread your work. The manuscript would benefit from improved English, as in many places the writing style is unclear and often difficult to comprehend with several grammatical errors. For example, in lines:
- 12, which will -> which affected
- 49, to to -> to
- 65, in Section 6, presents -> Section 6 presents
- 79, As a results -> As a result
- 147, this presents up an -> this presents an
- 189-191, difficult to understand what you mean
- 204, This dataset is was -> This dataset was
- 221, 38.559 should be 38,559
- 249, be consistent with previous text: validation split instead of development
- 295, In terms of respect?
- 409, you are duplicating words
- Figure 6, did you mean confusion instead?
2. Enrich your state of the art/related work section. In the section on Natural Language Processing for Emotion Analysis, consider adding current research on emotion classification. In its current state, it reads more like a section highlighting common NLP techniques for general tasks rather than focusing specifically on emotion analysis:
- For example, in line 127, you mention that “Deep learning networks … have shown excellent performance in identifying emotions in text,” but you do not cite any relevant literature to substantiate this claim. Instead, some common methodologies used for embedding techniques in general are listed
In line 87, you say “researchers have made efforts to automate emotion analysis, but emotion detection remains a different task”. What is the difference between EA and ED? What makes ED more challenging?
- In line 121, you seem to have included two different references for the same methodology (WordNet-Affect). Please double check
- Double-check your references. Many of the papers you cite are from ArXiv. If there is a peer-reviewed version of such papers, make sure to cite those instead. Also, in line 129, you cite a paper from 2018, but it is dated 1802?
- In line 138, you mention “EA is a frequently studied topic with considerable amount of literature available,” then why not add references to such works? You cited the EmoEvalEs shared task, which is essentially the task that you focused on your paper. It would be good to mention how your contributions differ from this task. If it is only about testing LLMs on a larger corpus, then please specify
- In 166, you mention again that there are numerous works and shared tasks dedicated to the analysis of emotions, but you do not cite any
3. Double-check the structure of the manuscript, especially in Section 4 as it could be improved. For example, you have subsections (4.1 and 4.2) with very little information that could be merged together. Another suggestion would be to add a subsection that lays out the actual problem setup or definition. In the current state of your manuscript, it is difficult to tell if your problem is a multi-label or multi-class classification. After reading through Section 5, it becomes evident that it is the latter, but the paper would benefit from a more detailed description of your downstream task. Although you show the general pipeline in Figure 2, it would be helpful to expand more on each component, including a more formal presentation on what exactly the input is, what features are extracted, and what exactly is the output.
The evaluation is sound, and the findings are presented well. However, there are certain areas that need improvement:
1. The datasets section lacks details. One of the contributions of your manuscript is the compilation and curation of different datasets from literature to create a more comprehensive dataset for emotion detection in Spanish. Creating the dataset involved not only putting together relevant datasets but also several steps of curation such as text translation, annotations and relabeling. However, there is little information on these steps, particularly how the authors validated these annotations and translations. Were there any false positives within the already labeled datasets? Can you provide annotator agreement scores during the annotation process?
2. Another concern regarding datasets is related to the decision to split “long” documents and annotate their sentences individually. What do you consider a long document? Are individual sentences sufficient to express a particular emotion? Or do all these sentences get the same emotion label? Inferring a specific emotion for an individual sentence without the complete context could be very challenging and result in noisy examples. Also, while it is true that transformer models have limited contextual windows, there are alternative strategies to obtain a general representation of a long document. For example, you could have experimented with pooling the embeddings of separate sentences or considered other architectures, such as Longformers
3. The authors experimented with a feature combination approach called knowledge integration. What exactly does this strategy consider in terms of features? Is it a concatenation of sentence embeddings from a transformer-based model and the linguistic features in Section 4.3? This is not clear in text, a diagram or a more detailed description of this approach would make it clearer
4. In Section 5.1, you show results for the best set of hyperparameters obtained for each pre-trained model. What was the range of hyperparameters tested? A subsection that lays out the experimental setup including hyperparameters chosen would be a good idea
5. In Section 5.3, for choosing the best encoder-type model and encoder-decoder-type model, did you base your criteria on performance on the validation or test set? If these decisions are being made on the test set, then it is expected that there would be an improvement. All decisions should be made in the validation set, and if this was the case, it is not clear in the paper
All underlying data have been provided. Supplementary material and data have been provided for replication. Conclusions are sound and limited to supporting results
no comment
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