Comparison and benchmark of name-to-gender inference services

This week we published a technical article on how to algorithmically assign a gender label to a name. This is needed for us to understand gender differences in publication patterns of #STEM papers. Read more here: Journal paper:
Comparing several service APIs for identifying gender based on name
2255 days ago
RT @tullney: Full paper by @lusantala and @h_mihaljevic here: Comparison and benchmark of name-to-gender inference services,…
RT @GenderGapSTEM: We compared 5 name-to-gender inference services.@Gender_API and @NamSor_com (@gendreapp) will be glad to see that their…
2255 days ago
RT @mathiaswullum: In a comparison of five name-to-gender inference services, Gender API outperforms all others
Santamaría L, Mihaljević H. (2018) Comparison and benchmark of name-to-gender inference services. PeerJ Computer Science 4:e156
2255 days ago
Full paper by @lusantala and @h_mihaljevic here: Comparison and benchmark of name-to-gender inference services,
RT @GenderGapSTEM: Members of our project just published a technical article comparing different ways of assigning gender to a name: https:…
2256 days ago
RT @GenderGapSTEM: Members of our project just published a technical article comparing different ways of assigning gender to a name: https:…
2256 days ago
RT @GenderGapSTEM: @ScientistFemale Here's our last article on assessing how well algorithmic methods to assign gender to a name work: http…
RT @GenderGapSTEM: @ScientistFemale Here's our last article on assessing how well algorithmic methods to assign gender to a name work: http…
RT @GenderGapSTEM: @ScientistFemale Here's our last article on assessing how well algorithmic methods to assign gender to a name work: http…
RT @GenderGapSTEM: @ScientistFemale Here's our last article on assessing how well algorithmic methods to assign gender to a name work: http…
In a comparison of five name-to-gender inference services, Gender API outperforms all others
Comparison and benchmark of name-to-gender inference services
RT @GenderGapSTEM: Members of our project just published a technical article comparing different ways of assigning gender to a name: https:…
RT @GenderGapSTEM: Members of our project just published a technical article comparing different ways of assigning gender to a name: https:…
2256 days ago
RT @GenderGapSTEM: We compared 5 name-to-gender inference services.@Gender_API and @NamSor_com (@gendreapp) will be glad to see that their…
RT @GenderGapSTEM: Members of our project just published a technical article comparing different ways of assigning gender to a name: https:…
We compared 5 name-to-gender inference services.@Gender_API and @NamSor_com (@gendreapp) will be glad to see that their services are the two best performers on our data set consisting of several thousand scientists' names. Paper:
@ScientistFemale Here's our last article on assessing how well algorithmic methods to assign gender to a name work: This is a crucial task when analyzing the gender gap. We've written about our results and their meaning here:
RT @GenderGapSTEM: Members of our project just published a technical article comparing different ways of assigning gender to a name: https:…
2256 days ago
Many thanks to @Kevbonham @csugimoto @lariviev for sharing data and code on name-based gender inference. Our benchmarks of 5 services based on ~7,000 names have been published.
2256 days ago
RT @lusantala: Our article has been published today in @PeerJCompSci Thank you so much, @h_mihaljevic. It's alway…
Our article has been published today in @PeerJCompSci Thank you so much, @h_mihaljevic. It's always a pleasure to work with you.