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Dear authors, thanks for addressing all the reviewers comments,
Concerning the appropriateness of publishing a review on prescriptive BPM now, I have to say that I fully understand - and somehow share - the comment of one of the reviewers, on the not fully mature nature of prescriptive BPM.
Nonetheless I truly believe that the careful review on prescriptive BPM presented in the paper is a valuable contribution to this field and will help its consolidation, which perhaps may lead to more mature SRLs in the future.
[# PeerJ Staff Note - this decision was reviewed and approved by Sebastian Ventura, a PeerJ Computer Science Section Editor covering this Section #]
The reviewer(s) have recommended publication, but also suggest some minor revisions to your manuscript. Please carefully consider these comments when revising your paper.
Please describe the changes and responses to the reviewer comments, in detail, in a separate file. You should also create a version of your revised manuscript that highlights the changes within the document by using the track changes mode in MS Word.
In this reviewed version of the paper the authors have solved the issues I had previously highlighted. Mainly table 1 and fig 2 and fig 3 are now more readable than before.
Moreover, following the indications of the second reviewer the authors have improved the framework used to classify the reviewed articles adding two dimensions of analysis: the first one is the intervention purpose which clusters the methods as optimizing or guiding, and whether an optimizing method is based on correlation or causality. The second dimension added to the framework is a Boolean value indicating if the reviewed article contains the details about the algorithm it presents. In my opinion this improves the robustness of the review, making easier for the reader to identify the significance of each paper.
The authors also inserted some new paragraph to better describe the features used in the framework.
Finally, the authors added to the review a new paper that has been published in the meanwhile, during the review phase, and that satisfy the SLR criteria.
In conclusion I think that the paper has been improved by these modifications and, following the conclusions of my first review, I recommend it for publication in PeerJ.
I list here some misprints I encountered during the reading
-row 174: insude
-row 327: utilizies
-fig 3, column Target, row 7: vaires
-fig 3, column Policy, row 16: thershold
-row 678, 740: Francescomarino, C. D. should be Di Francescomarino, D. as in row 720
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no comment
In their revised manuscript, the authors have attempted to resolve the issues highlighted in the first round of reviews. The clarifications and adjustments addressed in the relevant sections appear to be reasonable. Eliminating potential sources of misunderstanding and sharpening terminology have improved the quality of the manuscript. In addition, references have been formatted appropriately.
Although the quality and relevance of some identified studies are questionable, the need for a systematic review of prescriptive process analytics, in general, is well elaborated. Several relevant studies have been added to the revised version.
I have a few more remarks:
- In their response document, the authors discussed the vague definition of prescriptive analytics and provided some different examples. I strongly recommend that the authors provide a discussion either in the introduction or in the background section on how they define prescriptive analytics, the main elements of prescriptiveness, and its components and limitations. Such an introduction is missing.
- The results illustrated in Figures 2 and 3 are presented as image files or figures. However, these should be converted into tables. If the main results are presented in an inappropriate format, their value is diminished, especially by limiting the search process.
- The definition of "causality" is also important. Indeed, as the authors also discussed, the main elements of causal explanations are the intervention and the outcomes after the defined treatments. Some identified studies categorized as "causality-based optimization" are correct in this sense. However, for some studies, e.g., Kim et al. (2013), Obregon et al. (2013), and Park et al. (2019), it is not clear how these studies examined causality. In my opinion, they do not do so at all. The authors should provide a separate discussion for each publication.
In my subjective opinion, publishing a review article on prescriptive process analysis is still premature. On the other hand, this article may be considered acceptable if such an article is needed now. Overall, I switch my decision to acceptance subject to minor changes listed in the bullet points above.
Dear authors,
I attach reviews of the above paper that you submitted to PeerJ Computer Science for publication. As you can read, some issues have been raised by the reviewers and so your article must be revised before publication can be considered. Your revision will be sent out for a second review. Please carefully address the issues raised in the comments. I'm sure that with a major revision, the criticisms raised by the reviewers can be met.
In particular, please take into account the comments concerning the level of maturity of the chosen field for performing not only a technically correct literature review, but also an insightful one. I do share some of these concerns and therefore invite you to (1) consider the idea of maintaining the methodological instrument of a literature review to focus on the production of a framework as suggested by a reviewer and (2) carefully justify (or assess) the limitations of some of the studies included in the survey, I would kindly invite you also to assess the minor (but annoying) issue of the labels of bibliographic references.
When sending in the next revision, please be sure to provide a letter, explicitly stating how all these criticisms have been dealt with.
Dear Editor
The proposed study aims at providing a systematic literature review of prescriptive process monitoring which is a relatively new topic in the field of process mining. Through the systematic approach proposed in [Kitchenham, B. A. and Charters, S. (2007)], the study identify a set of 36 relevant paper which are later analyzed and classified with respect to a multi-dimensional framework of the prescriptive process monitor method proposed in each paper reviewed. The features analyzed in the framework are: the objective of the method, the process intervention prescribed by the method, the type of data required, the technique used, and the policy used to prescribe interventions.
I recommend the paper for publication in JPeer since it appears to me as the only review, in this newly developed field, considering all types of potential interventions in process-aware methods. As such it serves as a valid introduction to the subject and gives a detailed overall picture of the state of the art. Moreover, the systematic analysis provides insight into the field, indicates some gaps in the current development and some potential areas for future research, providing some value also to the field experts.
Overall, the article is well-written and clear: the purpose of the review, the review protocol, the research questions and the classification criteria are clearly described.
In order to improve the readability further I suggest the following minor edits which mainly deal with the display of some results:
1. In table 1 I find some ambiguities in the definition of Exclusion Criteria. It seems to me that the descriptions of these criteria are not homogeneous: the answer required for the paper to be excluded is either YES or NO inconsistently. As an example, “Is the paper language English?” requires NO as an answer for the paper to be excluded, contrarily the question “Is the paper a duplicate?” requires a YES as an answer for the paper to be excluded. Even though the ambiguity is solved in the text I would suggest the authors to modify the descriptions in the table to increase readability of the paper. A possible way is to rephrase the description as statements rather than questions. In the Inclusion Criteria this problem is not present since all three questions requires the answer YES for the paper to be included.
2. In fig. 2 and 3 the last column is dedicated to the paper reference number (or paper ID). However, this number, differently from the arxiv version, is no more displayed in the current style of the bibliography. This makes the results difficult to read without the use of the online resources. Since these figures summarize the main result of the review, I would suggest the authors to make explicit the relation between this column and the bibliography, this should increase the readability of the results, and the handiness of the paper.
3. Add citation for A/B testing (row 487)
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no comment
The article "Prescriptive Process Monitoring: Quo Vadis?" attempts to conduct a systematic literature review to examine the current applications for prescriptive process analytics. After a detailed presentation of the research methodology for the literature review, the authors propose a framework to summarise the identified studies in terms of different aspects such as performance objectives, modeling approaches, types of interventions and strategies, etc. The review is within the scope of the journal.
The language/formal presentation of the manuscript is at a decent level.
One of the main problems is that a technical error affects the readability of the derived results. In the last columns of Figures 2 and 3, which summarise the main contribution of the submitted paper, the authors have given numbers to the identified papers. However, in the citation style of the submitted manuscript, the bibliography is sorted by the last name of the first author. It is therefore impossible to deduce from these numbers which papers the authors are talking about. This format-specific problem, which is easy to fix, has nevertheless complicated the review process, as it has been necessary to find the identified studies between the lines. However, this is not the only main concern of the paper.
The problem studied is very relevant and appealing, especially given the growing interest of the academic and industrial communities in adopting machine learning-based approaches for predictive process monitoring. The paper takes this further by examining the studies that not only predict various targets of interest but also seek to define the course of action to prevent undesirable outcomes. The literature search, the coding/filtering of the literature, and the descriptive analysis of the identified papers are solid and well introduced. Despite the well-elaborated methodological part, the main contribution of the paper falls behind expectations. The reasons for this are manifold. (see 1. Basic Reporting and 3. Validity of findings)
A quick analysis of the identified papers shows that while some thematically pertinent and interesting studies such as:
Fahrenkrog-Petersen, S. A., Tax, N., Teinemaa, I., Dumas, M., de Leoni, M., Maggi, F. M., and Weidlich,M. (2022). Fire now, fire later: alarm-based systems for prescriptive process monitoring.Knowl. Inf. Syst., 64(2):559–587
de Leoni, M., Dees, M., and Reulink, L. (2020). Design and evaluation of a process-aware recommender system based on prescriptive analytics. In2nd International Conference on Process Mining, ICPM, pages 9–16. IEEE
were identified, the relevance and maturity of some studies are not necessarily convincing.
For instance, a thorough inspection of the following article:
Huber, S., Fietta, M., and Hof, S. (2015). Next step recommendation and prediction based on process mining in adaptive case management. InS-BPM ONE, pages 3:1-3:9. ACM .
reveals that its authors provide almost no details on the algorithmic background of the adopted predictive process monitoring approach, the mechanism of intervention generation and evaluation, the details of the underlying process mining use case and data, and so on. Only a mockup prototype of the dashboard is presented, which is not necessarily useful for the target group of the literature review conducted.
Another identified study,
Triki, S., Saoud, N. B. B., Dugdale, J., and Hanachi, C. (2013). Coupling case-based reasoning and process mining for a web-based decision support system for crisis management. InWETICE, pages 245-252. IEEE Computer Society
is just an in-progress research article investigating the combination of conventional case-based reasoning approaches and process mining. A predictive analytics scenario, as defined at the beginning of the submitted review paper, is not found here. The intervention scenarios are also missing.
Or, the following article:
Weinzierl, S., Stierle, M., Zilker, S., and Matzner, M. (2020b). A next click recommender system for web-based service analytics with context-aware lstms. In HICSS, pages 1-10. ScholarSpace.
is a good contribution to predictive process analytics research, however, the "prescriptive" analytics component is lacking in this study. This only uses LSTM to make predictions about the next steps. It is not necessarily understood why the authors of the submitted review paper classify it as a prescriptive process analytics study.
This list of not necessarily relevant articles labeled as prescriptive process analytics studies can be easily extended. This is due to the fact that the definitions of predictive and prescriptive process analysis are sometimes vague. The authors have already mentioned the term "intervention" several times throughout the paper, which constitutes the crucial difference in this regard. However, an intuition or experience-based definition of an intervention by experts or even scholars does not necessarily make the article or application prescriptive. Various algorithmic approaches from different fields such as mathematical programming and optimization, simulation, evolutionary computation, explainable artificial intelligence, causal learning, inference, etc. should be superimposed on predictive process analysis techniques to produce the intervention mechanisms and policies efficiently, robustly, and precisely.
There is also a need for quantitative and qualitative assessment concepts for the soundness of such interventions. A prominent example is as follows:
Bertsimas, D., & Kallus, N. (2020). From predictive to prescriptive analytics. Management Science, 66(3), 1025-1044.
Unfortunately, very few of the identified studies meet the quality requirements to be classified as prescriptive process analytics. As mentioned earlier, the submitted paper is thematically relevant but not necessarily timely relevant, as there is still a need for good quality studies to lay the groundwork for a review paper. On these grounds, I would encourage the authors to consider modifying the structure of their article from a literature review of prescriptive process analytics to building a conceptual and mathematical framework for developing and evaluating interventions for process analytics by transferring experience from other fields.
Finally, there are some details that I think should be revised. First, in the subsection "Prescribed goals of process monitoring," the author lists the first category as "reducing the error rate." This designation can be misleading, especially considering that there are some process analytics approaches from manufacturing. This label is confusing and may be too generic considering the elements it includes. Another problem in the same subsection concerns the definition of the objectives. The authors should explain what the main difference is between "avoid exceeding the allowed limits for cycle times" and "reducing cycle time". These objectives are mapped into two different categories. The only difference I see here is the nature of the prediction result in terms of ML modeling, with the first category describing a (binary) classification problem and the second category applying to regression problems. However, there is not much difference in the objectives and underlying interventions. The taxonomy lacks precision.
In summary, the article introduces an interesting topic, provides a solid methodology, and delivers a good descriptive overview. However, I think that the findings and the practical/scientific implications need to be significantly improved. Therefore, I vote for a major revision.
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