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Genome-wide analysis of two repeats containing MYB transcription factors in groundnut identifies drought-inducible genes involved as a negative regulator of root nodulation
Environmental and Experimental Botany
Genome-Wide Analysis of R2R3-MYB Genes and Functional Characterization of SmMYB75 in Eggplant Fruit Implications for Crop Improvement and Nutritional Enhancement
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Relationship between Flower Color and Cellular Physicochemical Factors in Bletilla striata
Genome-Wide Identification Analysis of the R2R3-MYB Transcription Factor Family in Cymbidium sinense for Insights into Drought Stress Responses
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Transcriptome-wide expression analysis of MYB gene family leads to functional characterization of flavonoid biosynthesis in fruit coloration of Ziziphus Mill
Frontiers in Plant Science
Genome-wide analysis of MYB family in Nicotiana benthamiana and the functional role of the key members in resistance to Bemisia tabaci
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Uncovering the involvement of DoDELLA1-interacting proteins in development by characterizing the DoDELLA gene family in Dendrobium officinale
BMC Plant Biology
Genome-wide identification and analysis of anthocyanin synthesis-related R2R3-MYB genes in Cymbidium goeringii
Frontiers in Plant Science
Terpenoid biosynthesis in Dendrobium officinale: Identification of (E)-β-caryophyllene synthase and the regulatory MYB genes
Industrial Crops and Products
Advances and prospects of orchid research and industrialization
Horticulture Research
Co-option of the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS network regulates protocorm-like body development in Phalaenopsis aphrodite
Plant Physiology
Genome-Wide Identification of the MYB Gene Family in Cymbidiumensifolium and Its Expression Analysis in Different Flower Colors
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Combined Analysis of Volatile Terpenoid Metabolism and Transcriptome Reveals Transcription Factors Related to Terpene Synthase in Two Cultivars of Dendrobium officinale Flowers
Frontiers in Genetics
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