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Conservation of Dragonflies
A rapid inventory of amphibians, squamates, and bats of Mata de Plátano Field Station and Nature Reserve, Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Ecology and Evolution
Effects of urbanization on Odonata assemblages in tropical island streams in San Juan, Puerto Rico
International Journal of Odonatology
Natural history of Odonata assemblages in tropical streams in Puerto Rico
Neotropical Biodiversity
The influence of anthropogenic activities on wetland integrity dynamics: a case study of the Rwampara wetland in Rwanda
Environmental Sustainability
A preliminary survey of the inland aquatic macroinvertebrate biodiversity of St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Journal of Natural History
Aquatic Invertebrate Communities in Areas Covered and Devoid of the Floating Fern Salvinia Within the Mangrove Forest in the Boquerón Wildlife Refuge, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Caribbean Journal of Science