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Snow depth retrieval from microwave remote sensing by combining wavelet transform and machine learning models in Northern Xinjiang, China
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
Shared xerophytic genes and their re‐use in local adaptation to aridity in the desert plant Gymnocarpos przewalskii
Molecular Ecology
Agricultural water allocation with climate change based on gray wolf optimization in a semi-arid region of China
Snow Cover and Climate Change and Their Coupling Effects on Runoff in the Keriya River Basin during 2001–2020
Remote Sensing
Snow Cover Mapping Based on SNPP-VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Case Study in Xinjiang, China
Remote Sensing
Decline of Late Spring and Summer Snow Cover in the Scottish Highlands from 1984 to 2022: A Landsat Time Series
Remote Sensing
Snow Cover in the Three Stable Snow Cover Areas of China and Spatio-Temporal Patterns of the Future
Remote Sensing
Trends and variability in snowmelt in China under climate change
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Downscaling Snow Depth Mapping by Fusion of Microwave and Optical Remote-Sensing Data Based on Deep Learning
Remote Sensing
A Conditional Probability Interpolation Method Based on a Space-Time Cube for MODIS Snow Cover Products Gap Filling
Remote Sensing
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