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The Biological Basis of Sex Differences in Athletic Performance: Consensus Statement for the American College of Sports Medicine
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
The Biological Basis of Sex Differences in Athletic Performance: Consensus Statement for the American College of Sports Medicine
Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
Navigating Childhood Health: Unraveling the Tapestry of Anthropometric Indicators and Musculoskeletal Fitness in Elementary School Boys
International Journal of Kinanthropometry
Fat-free mass and maturity status are determinants of physical fitness performance in schoolchildren and adolescents
Jornal de Pediatria
Maturity Status and Fat-Free Masses as Determinants of Physical Fitness Among Macedonian Schoolchildren aged 6 to 14
Physical Education Theory and Methodology
The association between wind speed and the risk of injuries among preschool children: New insight from a sentinel-surveillance-based study
Science of The Total Environment
Current and future research on influence of parental physical activity on children’s physical fitness
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
Influence of Sport Practice and Body Weight on Physical Fitness in Schoolchildren Living in the Campania Region
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Increase in peak oxygen uptake and Andersen test performance in children from age six to ten: The Health Oriented Pedagogical Project (HOPP)
Frontiers in Physiology
Roles of age, sex, and weight status in the muscular fitness of Chinese Tibetan children and adolescents living at altitudes over 3600 m: A cross‐sectional study
American Journal of Human Biology
Levels of health physical activity of primary school children: a systematic review of current research
Actual problems of modern medicine
Comparison of fitness levels between elementary school children with autism spectrum disorder and age‐matched neurotypically developing children
Autism Research
Can Anthropometry and Body Composition Explain Physical Fitness Levels in School-Aged Children?
Balance Tests in Pre-Adolescent Children: Retest Reliability, Construct Validity, and Relative Ability
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Influence of Body Composition on Physical Fitness in Adolescents