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The Brazilian peppertree biological control agent Pseudophilothrips ichini (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) displays a flexible feeding strategy between foliage and reproductive tissues
Biological Control
Plant phylogeny determines host selection and acceptance of the oligophagous leaf beetle Cassida rubiginosa
Pest Management Science
The host specificity of Trabutina mannipara (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1829) (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcoidae): a potential biocontrol agent of invasive Tamarix chinensis (Lour) and T. ramosissima (Ledeb) in South Africa.
Biocontrol Science and Technology
Great chemistry between us: The link between plant chemical defenses and butterfly evolution
Ecology and Evolution
Metabolomic analysis of host plant biochemistry could improve the effectiveness and safety of classical weed biocontrol
Biological Control
Glucosinolate profiles and phylogeny in Barbarea compared to other tribe Cardamineae (Brassicaceae) and Reseda (Resedaceae), based on a library of ion trap HPLC-MS/MS data of reference desulfoglucosinolates
Intraspecific variation in plant‐associated herbivore communities is phylogenetically structured in Brassicaceae
Ecology Letters
Volatile chemistry, not phylogeny, predicts host range of a biological control agent of Old-World climbing fern
Biological Control
Host suitability of three Opuntia taxa for the Dactylopius opuntiae (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) ‘stricta’ lineage
Biocontrol Science and Technology
Three New Biological Control Programmes for South Africa: Brazilian Pepper, Tamarix and Tradescantia
African Entomology
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