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Pachycormid fish fed on octobrachian cephalopods: new evidence from the ‘Schistes bitumineux’ (early Toarcian) of southern Luxembourg
Swiss Journal of Palaeontology
A New Large †Pachycormiform (Teleosteomorpha: †Pachycormiformes) from the Lower Jurassic of Germany, with Affinities to the Suspension-Feeding Clade, and Comments on the Gastrointestinal Anatomy of Pachycormid Fishes
Revision of the pachycormid fish Saurostomus esocinus Agassiz from the Early Jurassic (Toarcian) of Europe, with new insight into the origins of suspension‐feeding in Pachycormidae
Papers in Palaeontology
A new †Pachycormiformes (Actinopterygii) from the Upper Jurassic of Gondwana sheds light on the evolutionary history of the group
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
Fossilized leftover falls as sources of palaeoecological data: a ‘pabulite’ comprising a crustacean, a belemnite and a vertebrate from the Early Jurassic Posidonia Shale
Swiss Journal of Palaeontology
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