Clarifying a trophic black box: stable isotope analysis reveals unexpected dietary variation in the Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens

1807 days ago
Anchoveta: isotopos revelan una alimentación inesperada con un nivel trófico cercano a 3.5. Pizarro et al. (2019) Consecuencias para el manejo: ¿Debe la anchoveta ser manejada bajo el estándar de una especie de nivel trófico inferior?...
RT @chris_harrod: Am very happy that our article on trophic variation in Peruvian anchovy was published today in @thePeerJ…
RT @chris_harrod: Am very happy that our article on trophic variation in Peruvian anchovy was published today in @thePeerJ…
RT @chris_harrod: Am very happy that our article on trophic variation in Peruvian anchovy was published today in @thePeerJ…
RT @chris_harrod: Am very happy that our article on trophic variation in Peruvian anchovy was published today in @thePeerJ…
RT @chris_harrod: Am very happy that our article on trophic variation in Peruvian anchovy was published today in @thePeerJ…
RT @chris_harrod: Am very happy that our article on trophic variation in Peruvian anchovy was published today in @thePeerJ…
Am very happy that our article on trophic variation in Peruvian anchovy was published today in @thePeerJ #Ecology #MarineBiology This is the first paper from Jessica Pizarro's PhD on the isotope ecology of the N Chilean pelagic system. Lots more to come!