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Temperate rocky reef fish community patterns in a coastal marine protected area (MPA) from northern Chile, utilizing remote underwater video cameras (RUVs)
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Limited effects of management and ecological subsidies on the size-spectra of kelp forest fish communities
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Water column-based assays underestimate benthic predation pressure in mid-latitude systems
Marine Biology
Baited remote underwater video stations as a potential tool for assessing coastal rocky fishes in Chile
Fisheries Management and Ecology
Spatial and temporal changes of subtidal benthic communities in Antofagasta Bay (SE Pacific) stressed by permanent human disturbances
Regional Studies in Marine Science
DNA reconciles morphology and colouration in the drunk blenny genus Scartichthys (Teleostei: Blenniidae) and provides insights into their evolutionary history
Journal of Fish Biology
Herbivore and predator pressure in tidepools along an intertidal gradient: no consumption refuge for invasive species!
Marine Biology
Ecosystem-based management for kelp forest ecosystems
Marine Policy
Predator tactics and prey densities modulate the strength of trophic interactions in a temperate rocky reef
Marine Biology
Unravelling Lessonia trabeculata management in coastal areas of the Atacama region of northern Chile through a DPSIR approach: Insights for sustainable plans
Marine Policy
Small burrowing amphipods cause major damage in a large kelp
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Anti-herbivory protection by mutualism in marine ecosystems: The case of kelps and hydroids
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Variation in consumer pressure along 2500 km in a major upwelling system: crab predators are more important at higher latitudes
Marine Biology
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