PeerJ Author
170 Points
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Susumu Terakawa
PeerJ Author
Susumu Terakawa, MD & PhD
Birth: May 10, 1946
1972, Grad Sch Med, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ., Tokyo.
1973, Research Associate, Deptof Physiol, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ., Tokyo.
1977, Visit Assoc, Lab. Neurobiol., NIMH, Bethesda, MD, USA
1980, Assoc Prof, Dept Cell Physiol, Natl Inst Physiol Sci,
1993-2012, Prof, Photon Med Res Ctr, Hamamatsu Univ. Sch Med
2004-2008, Director (Vice President), HUSM
2012 Prof Emeritus, HUSM and Prof. Anat & Physiol. Tokoha University
Work details
Tokoha University
Dept of Nursing/Fac of Health Science
PeerJ Contributions
December 23, 2014
Masamitsu Kanada, Jinyan Zhang, Libo Yan, Takashi Sakurai, Susumu Terakawa
September 13, 2014 - Version: 1
Masamitsu Kanada, Jinyan Zhang, Libo Yan, Takashi Sakurai, Susumu Terakawa