Behavioral responses around conspecific corpses in adult eastern gorillas (Gorilla beringei spp.)

RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
1847 days ago
Interesante estudio que busca comprender como interactúan los gorilas con cadáveres de sus especies
1847 days ago
RT @BoixRichter: Los gorilas de montaña, 'Gorilla beringei beringei', ante la muerte de un individuo se reúnen alrededor del cuerpo, lo aca…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
RT @GoatsThatStare: Behavioral responses around conspecific corpses in adult eastern gorillas…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
1847 days ago
RT @BoixRichter: Los gorilas de montaña, 'Gorilla beringei beringei', ante la muerte de un individuo se reúnen alrededor del cuerpo, lo aca…
1847 days ago
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
1847 days ago
RT @BoixRichter: Los gorilas de montaña, 'Gorilla beringei beringei', ante la muerte de un individuo se reúnen alrededor del cuerpo, lo aca…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
RT @thePeerJ: Behavioral responses around conspecific corpses in adult eastern gorillas (Gorilla beringei spp.) htt…
Behavioral responses around conspecific corpses in adult eastern gorillas (Gorilla beringei spp.)
#VisitRwanda @RDBrwanda @BeliseKariza @CoErwanda Gorillas spend much time with the corpses after the death of their relatives...The sense of humour between them Interesting publication of research carried out at @SavingGorillas in @gorillacd
RT @Pulgar_Panda: El estudio se ha publicado en @thePeerJ. Si accedéis al enlace y vais a la parte final donde se haya el material suplemen…
RT @BoixRichter: Los gorilas de montaña, 'Gorilla beringei beringei', ante la muerte de un individuo se reúnen alrededor del cuerpo, lo aca…
RT @peterniehoff: Our new study on how wild gorillas interact with their dead is out now in @thePeerJ: Here is al…
RT @BoixRichter: Los gorilas de montaña, 'Gorilla beringei beringei', ante la muerte de un individuo se reúnen alrededor del cuerpo, lo aca…
El estudio se ha publicado en @thePeerJ. Si accedéis al enlace y vais a la parte final donde se haya el material suplementario podréis ver varios vídeos grabando este comportamiento. Todos los vídeos están libres y subidos en Figshare.
1847 days ago