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Potentially toxic elements contamination in the water resources: an integrated risk assessment approach in the upper Citarum watershed area
Environmental Geochemistry and Health
Delineation of trace metal level in fish feed and farmed fish, Tilapia (Oreochromis mossumbicus) and their consequences on human health
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Microcystin-leucine-arginine impairs bone microstructure and biomechanics by activating osteoimmune response and inhibiting osteoblasts maturation in developing rats
The Glu69Asp Polymorphism of EME1 Gene is Associated with an Increased Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Guangxi Population, China
International Journal of General Medicine
Human health risk assessment for exposure to heavy metals in finfish and shellfish from a tropical estuary
Journal of King Saud University - Science
The Abnormal Proliferation of Hepatocytes is Associated with MC-LR and C-Terminal Truncated HBX Synergistic Disturbance of the Redox Balance
Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Potential toxic elements in sediment and fishes of an important fish breeding river in Bangladesh: a preliminary study for ecological and health risks assessment
Toxin Reviews
Microplastics and trace metals in fish species of the Gulf of Mannar (Indian Ocean) and evaluation of human health
Environmental Pollution
Health risk assessment related to cyanotoxins exposure of a community living near Tri An Reservoir, Vietnam
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Development of methods to estimate microcystins removal and water treatment resiliency using mechanistic risk modelling
Water Research
Levels and health risk assessment of heavy metals in dried fish consumed in Bangladesh
Scientific Reports
A study of health risk from accumulation of metals in commercial edible fish species at Tuticorin coasts of southern India
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Synergistic Effect of MC-LR and C-Terminal Truncated HBx on HepG2 Cells and Their Effects on PP2A Mediated Downstream Target of MAPK Signaling Pathway
Frontiers in Genetics
2019 1st International Conference on Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Engineering (ICECIE)
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in some commercially important fishes from a tropical river estuary suggests higher potential health risk in children than adults
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