Review History

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  • The initial submission of this article was received on May 13th, 2014 and was peer-reviewed by 2 reviewers and the Academic Editor.
  • The Academic Editor made their initial decision on June 2nd, 2014.
  • The first revision was submitted on July 25th, 2014 and was reviewed by the Academic Editor.
  • A further revision was submitted on August 28th, 2014 and was reviewed by the Academic Editor.
  • The article was Accepted by the Academic Editor on September 3rd, 2014.

Version 0.3 (accepted)

· Sep 3, 2014 · Academic Editor


You've done a very nice job of clarifying the manuscript. I'd like to suggest that in the near future you might supply further documentation of Swarm's "recall" ability on Swarm's web site, by supplying more instances of species with multiple sequence entries in your mock communities.

Version 0.2

· Jul 29, 2014 · Academic Editor

Minor Revisions

Thank you for your substantial improvements in the clarity of your paper. I still have two issues that need to be resolved: one is a matter of clarity and the other could possibly require a substantial amount of work, depending on what you actually did in constructing your mock community.

First, I'd like you to explain "d" better in the rationale section. You need to make clear that this parameter is user-supplied, and you need to explain what it means. For example, if I understand "d" correctly, you should explain more clearly that a particular value of d will allow discovery of clusters that can be bridged only by a divergence level greater than d. In other words, you should explain what are the consequences of a particular value of d. Also, does d evolve during the process? It would probably help to include a little bit of foreshadowing here to state that d=1 gives clusters that best match the taxonomic clusters.

Related to my uncertainty around d, I was confused by your statement in "On the influence of the value of d" that "the d value has far less impact than the choice of the global clustering threshold." This was confusing because you have touted Swarm for not requiring a global threshold, so I assume you meant that the d value in Swarm has less effect than the global clustering thresholds of other algorithms. Please make this clear.

Now, here is the critical issue that I am the most concerned about. I appreciate your providing Supp. Table 1, but it is still not clear to me how many organisms you included in your mock communities and how much diversity you included within each of the species you provided. If you simply took one or two organisms from each species taxon, and were not careful to include species that were closest relatives, then it seems you have not adequately tested your algorithm's ability to conduct de novo clustering. If what you have done is to mostly supply one organism from each species, and you have not been careful about picking most-closely-related species pairs, then I urge you to re-do the tests of the algorithms on a more challenging and realistic mock community set. You can't claim that you're finding the species when you're not providing any within-species diversity or most-closely-related species.

If you are able to address these issues, I'd look forward to reading your next version of the paper.

Version 0.1 (original submission)

· Jun 2, 2014 · Academic Editor

Minor Revisions

I have now received reviews from two experts on clustering methods. Here are what I view as the principal concerns raised by the reviewers.

The testing of Swarm with the mock community does not seem sufficient for two reasons. First, it is not clear that clustering the organisms into the named species of bacterial taxonomy is a good criterion for judging the quality of the program. I will add to what Jason Wood has said on this by noting that the species of taxonomy are known to be highly diverse in their ecology, and indeed usually contain multiple ecologically distinct clusters that I think should have been picked up by Swarm. I’ll also add that a recent paper judging the goodness of different algorithms aimed to find “ecological consistency” of the clusters found by various algorithms ( ; Schmidt et al. 2014. Ecological Consistency of SSU rRNA-Based Operational Taxonomic Units at a Global Scale). Finding *taxonomic* consistency doesn’t seem as good an aim, so please justify and explain better your choice of criterion. Secondly, you haven’t provided any substantive details about the organisms that were chosen and how they were distributed.

Wood notes that you haven’t explained why you believe that the chain-breaking algorithm is improving precision at all levels.

The anonymous reviewer notes that your method of refining the clusters does not seem to scale with sample size.

The anonymous reviewer has asked for more details about timing results; the reviewer also suggests ways to re-format the paper more in keeping with PeerJ style.

I would like to add a couple of important points. First, you discuss how the algorithm will allow OTU’s to reach their “natural limits,” but it is not clear what you mean by that. Also, some recent investigators (including the Schmidt et al. paper above) have shown that complete linkage clustering tends to give more ecologically consistent clusters than single-linkage clustering; so these are additional points you should consider.

I’d like to sum up by noting that both reviewers and I see the value of your paper in introducing an algorithm with important advantages over other clustering methods, but that there are points that should be addressed. If you would like to further pursue publication in PeerJ, would you please address the points I have outlined here, plus all the other points addressed by the reviewers?

Reviewer 1 ·

Basic reporting

The structure of the paper does not fully adhere to any of the templates provided. This is easily fixed by some renaming and rearranging of the sections. For example:

"Swarm's rationale" could be a subsection of the Introduction.
"Swarm's mechanics" could become Materials and Methods.
"Comparison with ..." could be split between Materials and Methods and Results and Discussion.
"Perspectives" could become Conclusions.

PeerJ policy states that Acknowledgements "should not be used to acknowledge funders -that information will appear in a separate Funding Statement on the published paper."

Experimental design

Some information is missing in order to make the paper reproducible.

Under speed and general behavior, timing results are mentioned but a description of the machine used to obtain these results is not. This information is also not provided when describing the comparison to other methods. Were all experiments performed on the same machine? What was it? It also would be of interest to provide timing results for each algorithm.

One assumes that the "even" mock community has equal abundance for each genome. Please provide more details as to the composition of the "uneven" mock community. How exactly are the abundances distributed?

The method used for "refining the clusters" depends upon somewhat arbitrary constants 50 and 100. Some explanation of how these were derived would be useful. Perhaps some indication as to how they might scale with the size of the data set. Also, it is not explicitly stated in the "Comparison" section whether on not the version of Swarm used included running the refinement companion script (though it is implied). It would be interesting to see the results before the script is applied.

Validity of the findings

No comments.


Basic reporting

Beyond some minor problems detailed in the general comments section, the article is clearly written and appears to satisfy the requirements of the journal.

Experimental design

While not important enough to hold up publication, I would have liked to see how well Swarm performs with environmental data in addition to the two mock communities.

Validity of the findings

No Comments. Everything looks good.

Additional comments

This paper by Mahé et al. describes a new program available for clustering large databases of amplicons that does not suffer from problems related to the ordering of the input sequence data or from arbitrary global clustering thresholds. The clustering of sequence data into OTUs is an important exercise for the understanding of microbial diversity in a community. Since currently available methods suffer from global clustering thresholds and the ordering of sequence data, Swarm could potentially serve as a much needed refinement of method for microbiologists.

The authors demonstrate the fidelity of their new program by constructing artificial communities using "genome isolates from 49 bacterial and 10 archaeal species", but fail to specify what they consider to be a 'species' or provide enough information to guess at the definition used (no list of organisms is provided). Are the authors using so-called 'named-species' (ie strains of Escherichia coli), or are they using a definition more like the ecological species concept (aka ecotype)? Regardless, Swarm appears to have much higher fidelity than other programs available.

Specific comments (line numbers from main.tex):

lines 141-145: "This filtering step can be generalized as such ..."
The variable 'k' is used twice in the text, for k-seed and k-mer. Since k-mer is frequently used for an oligomer of length k, I recommend changing the 'k' in k-seed to something else to help clarify.

lines 182-184: "The amplicon sequence ..."
The README file (see linearization) on github mentions the need for sequence data to be on a single line. It is unclear whether this is a requirement of Swarm, or just a recommendation.

lines 203-205: "For d differences between ..."
The variable 'k' in k-mer is assumed to be used in the formula 2dk, but it is not as clear as it could be (see note about lines 141-145).

lines 311-313: "This small clusters are not removed ..."
This should read: "Small clusters are not removed ..."

lines 315-316: "As this OTU breaking step improves Swarm's precision at all clustering levels ..."
No evidence or reference provided for this statement.

lines 386-388: "Other clustering methods ..."
The phrase "do not scale up to this large datasets" should probably read "do not scale up to these large datasets".

lines 390-395: "Swarm's performance was tested on two mock communities ..."
Who are the 49 bacterial and 10 archaeal species in the mock communities? I would like to see this in Supplementary Information if not in the text itself.

Table 1 and 2:
These appear to provide the same data as the box plots in Figure 1 and 2. I suggest moving these tables to Supplementary Information.

Jason M. Wood

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