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Effects of Different Loading Types on the Validity and Magnitude of Force-Velocity Relationship Parameters
Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach
The Use of Incremental, Decremental or a Random Order of Loads does not Affect Peak velocity Values during Bench Press Throw Load-velocity Relationships
International Journal of Sports Medicine
Exploring the Low Force-High Velocity Domain of the Force–Velocity Relationship in Acyclic Lower-Limb Extensions
Sports Medicine - Open
The linear regression model provides the force-velocity relationship parameters with the highest reliability
Sports Biomechanics
Velocity-Based Training: From Theory to Application
Strength & Conditioning Journal
The Novel Single-Stroke Kayak Test: Can It Discriminate Between 200-m and Longer-Distance (500- and 1000-m) Specialists in Canoe Sprint?
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Force-Velocity Profile of Competitive Kayakers: Evaluation of a Novel Single Kayak Stroke Test
Journal of Human Kinetics
Effect of Different Types of Loads on the Force-Velocity Relationship Obtained During the Bench Press Throw Exercise
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Force–Velocity Vs. Power–Velocity Relationships: Which Method Provides the Maximum Power and Optimal Velocity with Higher Reliability during the Leg Cycle-Ergometer and Bench Press Throw Exercises?
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
Force–velocity profile during vertical jump cannot be assessed using only bodyweight jump and isometric maximal voluntary contraction tasks
Scientific Reports
On the Shape of the Force-Velocity Relationship in Skeletal Muscles: The Linear, the Hyperbolic, and the Double-Hyperbolic
Frontiers in Physiology
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