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Tardigrade diversity and community composition across Norwegian boreal forests
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Non-native and native tree species plantations and seasonality could have substantial impacts on the diversity of indigenous soil fauna in a semi-arid forest ecosystem
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Description of a new species of Tardigrada Hypsibius nivalis sp. nov. and new phylogenetic line in Hypsibiidae from snow ecosystem in Japan
Scientific Reports
Spatio-temporal heterogeneity differently drives the diversity of various trophic guilds of mesofauna in semi-arid oak forests
The structure of tardigrade communities at fine spatial scales in an AndeanPolylepisforest
Neotropical Biodiversity
Tardigrades in the Forest Canopy: Associations with Red Tree Vole Nests in Southwest Oregon
Northwest Science
Soil quality and mesofauna diversity relationship are modulated by woody species and seasonality in semiarid oak forest
Forest Ecology and Management
Integrative approach reveals new species of water bears (Pilatobius, Grevenius, and Acutuncus) from Arctic cryoconite holes, with the discovery of hidden lineages of Hypsibius
Zoologischer Anzeiger
Fine-scale spatial heterogeneity of invertebrates within cryoconite holes
Aquatic Ecology
Environmental correlates of tardigrade community structure in mosses and lichens in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Tennessee and North Carolina, USA)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
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