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Christian Kerbiriou
46yo, PhD in Ecology and Conservation Biology MNHN (2002-2006), Park Manager during 10 years (1996 à 2005), research engineer with responsibilities for development of biodiversity scheme based on citizen sciences (2005-2009), since 2009 Assistant Professor in Conservation Biology, Sorbonne University.
History. C. Kerbiriou research field is conservation biology; his main question is to contribute to understand the mechanisms involved in global changes impacts on biodiversity at different scales. Developed approaches involve population dynamics and population viability, implemented by long time series based on monitoring of individual marked but also alternative approaches which consist in doing appropriate analysis of heterogeneous data (participating network monitoring, ringing museum registers, population count). His researches involve scenarios-building at different scales of time and space, in response to various pressures. He was involved in companion modelling approach applied to the study of interactions between social and environmental dynamics and particularly in a small protected island, part of a biosphere reserve. He has contributed expertise to assessments of conservation policy of protected species under the EU Directives (i.e. designation effect of Natura2000 areas, biodiversity offsets in the context of the mitigation hierarchy). Currently, he co-manage the French Bat Monitoring: a national volunteer-based survey based on standardized acoustic survey.
Biodiversity Conservation Biology Ecology Environmental Sciences Science Policy