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Adherence to the Mediterranean diet in Turkish hospitalized older adults and its association with hospital clinical outcomes
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Manipulation of the diet–microbiota–brain axis in Alzheimer’s disease
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Development of a Machine Learning Model to Discriminate Mild Cognitive Impairment Subjects from Normal Controls in Community Screening
Brain Sciences
Nutritional Assessment in Older Adults: MNA® 25 years of a Screening Tool & a Reference Standard for Care and Research; What Next?
The Journal of nutrition, health and aging
Meat Consumption, Cognitive Function and Disorders: A Systematic Review with Narrative Synthesis and Meta-Analysis
Aging, Mastication, and Malnutrition and Their Associations with Cognitive Disorder: Evidence from Epidemiological Data
Current Oral Health Reports
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