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Osteology and reassessment of Dineobellator notohesperus, a southern eudromaeosaur (Theropoda: Dromaeosauridae: Eudromaeosauria) from the latest Cretaceous of New Mexico
The Anatomical Record
Variation in the shell elements of Chrysemys picta bellii (Gray 1831)
Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology
A new species of Chrysemys (Emydidae: Deirochelyinae) from the latest Miocene-Early Pliocene of Tennessee, USA and its implications for the evolution of painted turtles
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
The first canid from the Gray Fossil Site in Tennessee: new perspective on the distribution and ecology of Borophagus
Journal of Paleontology
A softshell turtle (Testudines: Trionychidae: Plastomeninae) from the uppermost Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Hell Creek Formation, North Dakota, USA, with implications for the evolutionary relationships of plastomenines and other trionychids
Cretaceous Research
Turtles from the Late Pleistocene of Hidalgo and Puebla and their paleobiogeographic and paleoclimatic significance
Quaternary International
NeogeneCorylopsisseeds from eastern Tennessee
Journal of Systematics and Evolution
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