A microbial survey of the International Space Station (ISS)

2332 days ago
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
2332 days ago
Na Mezinárodní kosmické stanici (ISS) probíhal v rámci projektu MERCCURI výzkum mikroorganismů, které byly nalezeny na 15 místech ISS. Výsledky byly zveřejněny ve studii nazvané "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" >> https://t.co/zwttnjEjLd https://t.co/WAFPDo5jae
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
2332 days ago
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
2332 days ago
RT @jcamthrash: A microbial survey of the International Space Station (ISS) https://t.co/apOu6Ldv90
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
2332 days ago
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
2332 days ago
RT @jcamthrash: A microbial survey of the International Space Station (ISS) https://t.co/apOu6Ldv90
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
RT @jcamthrash: A microbial survey of the International Space Station (ISS) https://t.co/apOu6Ldv90
RT @jcamthrash: A microbial survey of the International Space Station (ISS) https://t.co/apOu6Ldv90
2332 days ago
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
A microbial survey of the International Space Station (ISS) https://t.co/88glWD8XZP
2332 days ago
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
How fun sampling must be! And what a view! :D A microbial survey of the international space station. https://t.co/3A6SnB1G9J via @thePeerJ
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
2332 days ago
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
2332 days ago
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…
RT @phylogenomics: New paper of mine out today in @thePeerJ "A microbial survey of the International Space Station" coauthors: @jennomics @…