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Deciphering the genetic architecture of fruit color in strawberry
Journal of Experimental Botany
Chromosome Level Assembly of Homozygous Inbred Line ‘Wongyo 3115’ Facilitates the Construction of a High-Density Linkage Map and Identification of QTLs Associated With Fruit Firmness in Octoploid Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)
Frontiers in Plant Science
A roadmap for research in octoploid strawberry
Horticulture Research
Southern Species From the Biodiversity Hotspot of Central Chile: A Source of Color, Aroma, and Metabolites for Global Agriculture and Food Industry in a Scenario of Climate Change
Frontiers in Plant Science
Genome Synteny Has Been Conserved Among the Octoploid Progenitors of Cultivated Strawberry Over Millions of Years of Evolution
Frontiers in Plant Science
Characterization of genetic variation and antioxidant properties in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) mutant genotypes
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
Diallelic SNP marker development and genetic linkage map construction in octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) through next-generation resequencing and high-resolution melting analysis
Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology
ddRAD-seq derived genome-wide SNPs, high density linkage map and QTLs for fruit quality traits in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)
3 Biotech
Disease Resistance Genetics and Genomics in Octoploid Strawberry
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics
High density linkage map construction and QTL mapping for runner production in allo-octoploid strawberry Fragaria × ananassa based on ddRAD-seq derived SNPs
Scientific Reports
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassaDuch.) and comparison with related species of Rosaceae
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