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Use of frailty assessment instruments in nephrology populations: a scoping review
BMC Geriatrics
Allicin Reversed the Process of Frailty in Aging Male Fischer 344 Rats With Osteoporosis
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A
Risk Factors for Poor Functional Recovery, Mortality, Recurrent Fractures, and Falls Among Patients Participating in a Fracture Liaison Service Program
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
Contributors, risk associates, and complications of frailty in patients with chronic kidney disease: a scoping review
Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease
Frailty Predicts an Increased Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease with Risk Competition by Mortality among 165,461 Diabetic Kidney Disease Patients
Aging and disease
Frail phenotype is associated with distinct quantitative electroencephalographic findings among end-stage renal disease patients: an observational study
BMC Geriatrics
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