The first reported ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Owl Creek Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Mississippi, USA)

RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
RT @thePeerJ: 1st discovery of a horned dinosaur in eastern N. America, suggesting these dinosaurs roamed freely across N America https://t…
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
2529 days ago
RT @thePeerJ: 1st discovery of a horned dinosaur in eastern N. America, suggesting these dinosaurs roamed freely across N America https://t…
2529 days ago
RT @thePeerJ: 1st discovery of a horned dinosaur in eastern N. America, suggesting these dinosaurs roamed freely across N America https://t…
2529 days ago
RT @thePeerJ: 1st discovery of a horned dinosaur in eastern N. America, suggesting these dinosaurs roamed freely across N America https://t…
2529 days ago
RT @pantheo27705718: 角竜はアジアと今の北米西側になるララミディアに生息していたが、東側アパラチアには内海に隔たれて到達していなかった。この論文では、東側のミシシッピ州白亜紀後期の地層から産出した、北米東部から初のケラトプス科(歯骨歯)を記載している。 ht…
2529 days ago
RT @pantheo27705718: 角竜はアジアと今の北米西側になるララミディアに生息していたが、東側アパラチアには内海に隔たれて到達していなかった。この論文では、東側のミシシッピ州白亜紀後期の地層から産出した、北米東部から初のケラトプス科(歯骨歯)を記載している。 ht…
2529 days ago
RT @Laelaps: Horned dinosaurs made it east, after all! Check out this new paper from @AndyFarke:
2529 days ago
RT @Laelaps: Horned dinosaurs made it east, after all! Check out this new paper from @AndyFarke:
2529 days ago
RT @L_ssar: Que. Han. Encontrado. Un. Triceratops. Donde. No. Es. ¡¡¡¡¿por qué no estáis saltando?!!!!
RT @pantheo27705718: 角竜はアジアと今の北米西側になるララミディアに生息していたが、東側アパラチアには内海に隔たれて到達していなかった。この論文では、東側のミシシッピ州白亜紀後期の地層から産出した、北米東部から初のケラトプス科(歯骨歯)を記載している。 ht…
2529 days ago
Que. Han. Encontrado. Un. Triceratops. Donde. No. Es. ¡¡¡¡¿por qué no estáis saltando?!!!!
2529 days ago
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
2529 days ago
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
2529 days ago
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
2529 days ago
RT @TomHoltzPaleo: Ceratopsid from eastern North America via @thePeerJ (Final version)
2529 days ago
RT @TomHoltzPaleo: Ceratopsid from eastern North America via @thePeerJ (Final version)
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…
RT @Laelaps: Horned dinosaurs made it east, after all! Check out this new paper from @AndyFarke:
RT @AndyFarke: My new @thePeerJ paper w/George Phillips! First ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Mississippi, USA) https://t.…