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Mediation by Fatalism of the Association Between Symptom Burden and Self-care Management in Patients With Heart Failure
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
Health locus of control, personality and social support in treatment adherence among diabetic patients
Journal of Psychology in Africa
Quality of Life in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Structure and related factors focusing on illness uncertainty
Japan Journal of Nursing Science
The study of eye care behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders
Association between health locus of control and oral health status in type 2 diabetics - A cross sectional comparative study
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry
The association of illness perceptions and God locus of health control with self-care behaviours in patients with type 2 diabetes in Saudi Arabia
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
The Impact of Health Locus of Control and Anxiety on Self-Monitored Blood Glucose Concentration in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Journal of Women's Health
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