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Detection of coinfection with Primate Erythroparvovirus 1 and arboviruses (DENV, CHIKV and ZIKV) in individuals with acute febrile illness in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in 2016
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
A probabilistic approach for the study of epidemiological dynamics of infectious diseases: Basic model and properties
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Factors affecting the transmission of dengue fever in Haikou city in 2019
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
Spatial scale of tuberculosis transmission in Lima, Peru
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Trace the History of HIV and Predict Its Future through Genetic Sequences
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Infer HIV transmission dynamics from gene sequences among young men who have sex with men in China
Infectious Disease Modelling
Systemic dengue infection associated with a new dengue virus type 2 introduction in Brazil – a case report
BMC Infectious Diseases
Origin, tempo, and mode of the spread of DENV-4 Genotype IIB across the state of São Paulo, Brazil during the 2012-2013 outbreak
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
An Outbreak of Human Parvovirus B19 Hidden by Dengue Fever
Clinical Infectious Diseases
First Genome Sequences of Dengue Virus Strains Isolated during the First DENV-4 Outbreak in São Paulo, Brazil
Genome Announcements
Genomic and epidemiological characterisation of a dengue virus outbreak among blood donors in Brazil
Scientific Reports
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