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The Tree of Life eDNA metabarcoding reveals a similar taxonomic richness but dissimilar evolutionary lineages between seaports and marine reserves
Molecular Ecology
Wetland biodiversity in Aotearoa New Zealand: an eDNA perspective on exotic and non-exotic species
New Zealand Journal of Zoology
From land to sea: Environmental DNA is correlated with long-term water quality indicators in an urbanized estuary
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Microbial, holobiont, and Tree of Life eDNA/eRNA for enhanced ecological assessment
Trends in Microbiology
Developing an eDNA approach for wetland biomonitoring: Insights on technical and conventional approaches
Environmental DNA
Tree of life metabarcoding can serve as a biotic benchmark for shifting baselines in urbanized estuaries
Environmental Research
eDNA Is a Useful Environmental Monitoring Tool for Assessing Stream Ecological Health
Environmental DNA