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Design and synthesis of new benzothiazole-piperazine derivatives and in vitro and in silico investigation of their anticancer activity
Journal of Molecular Structure
Naphthaleneoxypropargyl-Containing Piperazine as a Regulator of Effector Immune Cell Populations upon an Aseptic Inflammation
Baicalein and Ly294002 induces liver cancer cells apoptosis via regulating phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
Retraction Note: Novel piperazine core compound induces death in human liver cancer cells: possible pharmacological properties
Scientific Reports
Retraction: Mechanism of Action of the Novel Nickel(II) Complex in Simultaneous Reactivation of the Apoptotic Signaling Networks Against Human Colon Cancer Cells
Frontiers in Pharmacology
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