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Genome-wide identification of the WRKY gene family in blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) and expression analysis under abiotic stress
Frontiers in Plant Science
Functional analysis of a rice 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid reductase gene (OsOPR1) involved in Cd stress tolerance
Molecular Biology Reports
Identification and functional analysis of the DOF gene family in Populus simonii: implications for development and stress response
Frontiers in Plant Science
Transcription factor ZmDof22 enhances drought tolerance by regulating stomatal movement and antioxidant enzymes activities in maize (Zea mays L.)
Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Genome-wide identification and molecular evolution of Dof transcription factors in Cyperus esculentus
BMC Genomics
Genome-Wide Investigation of the NAC Transcription Factor Family in Apocynum venetum Revealed Their Synergistic Roles in Abiotic Stress Response and Trehalose Metabolism
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Identification of Photoperiod- and Phytohormone-Responsive DNA-Binding One Zinc Finger (Dof) Transcription Factors in Akebia trifoliata via Genome-Wide Expression Analysis
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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