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Biogeography and phylogeny of the scavenging amphipod genus Valettietta (Amphipoda: Alicelloidea), with descriptions of two new species from the abyssal Pacific Ocean
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Evidence for a single population expansion event across 24,000 km: the case of the deep-sea scavenging amphipod Abyssorchomene distinctus
Trophic ecology of a migratory shorebird community at a globally important non-breeding site: combining DNA metabarcoding and conventional techniques
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Maximizing the reliability and the number of species assignments in metabarcoding studies using a curated regional library and a public repository
Metabarcoding and Metagenomics
50%, not great, not terrible: Pan-European gap-analysis shows the real status of the DNA barcode reference libraries in two aquatic invertebrate groups and points the way ahead
Science of The Total Environment
DNA Barcode Gap Analysis for Multiple Marker Genes for Phytoplankton Species Biodiversity in Mediterranean Aquatic Ecosystems
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