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Finding microbial composition and biological processes as predictive signature to access the ongoing status of mangrove preservation
International Microbiology
Habitat- and lifestyle-dependent structural and functional characteristics of viruses in mangrove wetlands of different functional zonings
Environmental Research
Linkages between organic carbon composition and microbial community structure in two contrasting subtropical mangrove sediments in southern China
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Correlation between gut microbiota composition, enteric infections and linear growth impairment: a case–control study in childhood stunting in Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia
Gut Pathogens
Distribution, toxicity and bioaccumulation of trace metals in environmental matrices of an estuary in a protected area
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Spatial distribution of chemical elements in the surface sediments of a tropical estuary in north-eastern Brazil
Continental Shelf Research
A Systematic Review of the Physicochemical and Microbial Diversity of Well-Preserved, Restored, and Disturbed Mangrove Forests: What Is Known and What Is the Way Forward?
Bacterial communities vary across populations and tissue type in red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle, Rhizophoraceae) along an expanding front
FEMS Microbiology Ecology