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Changes in pressure distribution of the solar surface after a single trimming event are associated with external hoof measurements in the equine fore foot
Equine Veterinary Journal
Gait performance changes after ten cervical retractions
Physical Education of Students
Bipedalism or bipedalisms: The os coxae of StW 573
Journal of Anatomy
Human foot form and function: variable and versatile, yet sufficiently related to predict function from form
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Regional differences in the biological variability of plantar pressure as a basis for refining diagnostic gait analysis
Scientific Reports
Plantar pressure and falling risk in older individuals: a cross‐sectional study
Journal of Foot and Ankle Research
Biomechanics and the origins of human bipedal walking: The last 50 years
Journal of Biomechanics
Footsteps required for reliable and valid in-shoe plantar pressure assessment during gait per foot region in people with hallux valgus
Gait & Posture
Variation, mosaicism and degeneracy in the hominin foot
Evolutionary Human Sciences
Impact of Sex and Velocity on Plantar Pressure Distribution during Gait: A Cross-Sectional Study Using an Instrumented Pressure-Sensitive Walkway
Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
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