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Network Analysis Reveals Species-Specific Organization of Microbial Communities in Four Co-Occurring Elasmobranch Species along the Georgia Coast
The Abrolhos Nominally Herbivorous Coral Reef Fish Acanthurus chirurgus, Kyphosus sp., Scarus trispinosus, and Sparisoma axillare Have Similarities in Feeding But Species-Specific Microbiomes
Microbial Ecology
Environmental sex reversal in parrotfish does not cause differences in the structure of their gut microbial communities
BMC Microbiology
Effects of two common antibiotics on the skin microbiome of ornamental reef fishes: Implications for manipulative experiments in microbial dynamics
Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries
Bridging the gaps through environmental DNA: A review of critical considerations for interpreting the biodiversity data in coral reef ecosystems
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Host biology, ecology and the environment influence microbial biomass and diversity in 101 marine fish species
Nature Communications
Epulopiscium spp.
Trends in Microbiology
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