Anne Steinemann
Dr Anne Steinemann is Professor of Civil Engineering, and Chair of Sustainable Cities, at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She is an internationally recognized for her research in areas of engineering and sustainability, including (a) indoor air quality, product emissions, and exposure assessment, and (b) drought management, indicators, and information systems. Professor Steinemann serves as adviser to governments and industries around the world, and has directed more than $20 million in competitive research funding. Her research and journal articles have received significant international media coverage, spanning more than 1,000 major newspapers, magazines, and broadcast stations across six continents. Professor Steinemann's previous positions include Program Manager at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor of Public Affairs, and Director of the Water Center, at the University of Washington; and Associate Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She was also Visiting Professor at Stanford University, Florida Institute of Technology, and Linköping University in Sweden. Dr. Steinemann received her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Stanford University.