Advisory Board and Editors Biogeochemistry

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Sohath Vanegas,
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Maarten J. Waterloo

PhD in water and nutrient cycling of pine plantation forests in Fiji. Specialised in the science of climate and land use change in relation to their impacts on surface and ground water hydrology and biogeochemical cycles. Expert in tropical natural and plantation forest ecohydrology, micro-meteorology, catchment hydrology, hydrochemistry and agricultural hydrology. Involved in a teaching a wide range of environmental water-related courses at BSc, MSc and PhD levels.

Stephan E Wolf

Dr. Stephan E. Wolf received his doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) in inorganic chemistry from Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany (2009). In 2020, after accomplishing a junior professorship, he received his Venia legendi (Priv.-Doz.) from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU, Germany).

He holds a Heisenberg Fellowship granted by the German Research Foundation and leads a research group on bioinorganic and bioinspired materials chemistry at the Department of Materials Science of FAU. His research revolves around the biosynthesis and process-structure-property relationships of biological materials, the underlying physicochemical intricacies of phase separation, and the translative adaptation of these concepts towards novel approaches in bioinorganic solid-state chemistry.

Hong Yang

Dr. Hong Yang is a Associate Professor in Environmental Science, Department of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Reading, UK. His research interests include the effects of climate change and human activities on water environment, water-energy-carbon nexus, and resource management. He has led and been involved in research projects funded by UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), European Research Council (ERC), Research Council of Norway (RCN), Chinese Natural Science Foundation (CNSF) and Chinese Academy of Science (CAS).

Chris M Yeager

I am a broadly-trained microbiologist with a research background in molecular biology, microbial ecology, genomics and biogeochemistry. Over the past 12 years I have served as a Staff Scientist within the Department of Energy National Laboratory system, first in the Environmental Biotechnology Section at Savannah River National Laboratory (2005-2011) and then in the Biosciences and Chemistry Divisions at Los Alamos National Laboratory (2011-current). As a staff scientist, I developed and managed a variety of research programs, focusing on microbial communities involved in processes relevant to climate change, fate and transport of radionuclides in the environment and bioenergy production. I received a BS degree from the University of Wyoming in Biochemistry, after which I worked as a laboratory technologist at the University of Utah and the VA medical center in Salt Lake City, UT with a team investigating the molecular underpinnings of diabetes. I received my doctorate in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Oregon State University in 2001 under Drs. Daniel Arp and Peter Bottomley investigating biodegradation of toxic compounds, such as trichloroethylene and toluene, by soil microorganisms. I completed postdoctoral training (2001-2004) at Los Alamos National Laboratory under Dr. Cheryl Kuske examining how the microorganisms that build and maintain biocrusts in soils of arid environments might respond to climate change.