PeerJ Author 200 Points Contributions by role Author 200 Contributions by subject area Conservation Biology Ecology Environmental Sciences Marine Biology Natural Resource Management Biosphere Interactions Yuko O. Stender PeerJ Author Summary Biogeography Ecology Marine Biology Past or current institution affiliations University of Hawaii at Manoa PeerJ Contributions Articles 2 May 23, 2017 Effectiveness of coral relocation as a mitigation strategy in Kāne‘ohe Bay, Hawai‘i Ku’ulei S. Rodgers, Koi Lorance, Angela Richards Donà, Yuko Stender, Claire Lager, Paul L. Jokiel PubMed 28560102 March 13, 2014 Thirty years of coral reef change in relation to coastal construction and increased sedimentation at Pelekane Bay, Hawaiʻi Yuko Stender, Paul L. Jokiel, Kuʻulei S. Rodgers PubMed 24688875