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Roberto Maffei
PhD, Natural Sciences. PhD, Educational Sciences - Organizational course (Florence University - Italy).
Senior consultant and trainer in Human Resources area. Human organizational behaviour specialist.
Human behaviour researcher, especially human communication and social interactions.
Founder of the A.L.B.E.R.T. research group inside the ARPA-Firenze Association, which investigates the bases of human interactive behaviour with reference to the advancements of neuroscience and neurobiology.
Neuroscience Psychiatry & Psychology Science & Medical Education
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PeerJ Contributions
Provided feedback on
Traverse the landscape of the mind by walking: an exploration of a new brainstorming practice
Dear colleagues, I find your pre-print very interesting and I will try to answer your feed-back request. Your work is interesting in that it intends to scientifically investigat...
Dear Daniel, I've carefully read your pre-print and, even though I am not a specialist (and for this I've been struggling with several passages of the text), I've found it of gr...
Dear Daniel, I have caught this second PeerJ’s Preprint of yours and I dare to add my comment to it, too. I confirm my interest in your works; I perceive they contain something...