PeerJ Reviewer
35 Points
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Sergio Arthuro Mota-Rolim
PeerJ Reviewer
MD by UFRN (1998-2004), researching sleep, memory and anxiety. MSc in Neuroscience by UNIFESP (2005-07), working with biological rhythms, sleep and memory. PhD in Neuroscience UFRN (2008-12) researching epidemiology and neurophysiology of lucid dreaming. Post-doc at Brain Institute and Onofre Lopes Hospital (UFRN), working with: sleep, dreams, lucid dream, altered states of consciousness, neurobiology of music, nitric oxide in the sleep of schizophrenics, and DMT/MAO inhibitors for depression.
Work details
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Brain Institute and Onofre Lopes University Hospital
PeerJ Contributions
Signed reviews submitted for articles published in PeerJ Note that some articles may not have the review itself made public unless authors have made them open as well.
April 10, 2014
Rodrigo M. Carrillo-Larco, Antonio Bernabé-Ortiz, J. Jaime Miranda, Jorge Rey de Castro