Contributions by role
Contributions by subject area
Laura I Lafon Hughes
Formally: technician, Genetics Department, IIBCE
In fact does: research (project writing, exp design, exp execution, data analysis, paper writing) and teaching (mainly short postgraduate courses)
Belongs to National System of Researchers, level I (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, SNI; ANII)
She has always worked doing basic research in biomedical areas. Her main interests are cell biology of neurodegeneration and cancer.
2014. PhD in BIological Sciences (PEDECIBA; IIBCE-INGEBI)
2009. Diploma in Medicine Teaching(CLAEH)
2003. Master in Neurosciences. UDELAR PEDECIBA (2003)
1998. Degree in Biological Sciences
1991. Certificate of Proficiency in English (Cambridge)
1989. First Certificate in English (Cambridge)