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Felipe García-Oliva
B. Sci. in Geography, UNAM (1986), PhD in Ecology, UNAM (1992) and Posdoctoral, Colorado State University (1993-1994). Research Scientist at Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad, UNAM (1995 to date). Research interests: soil biogeochemistry, C dynamics on terrestrial ecosystems, link between soil bacteria biodiversity and soil nutrient dynamics. Teaching: Semester courses on Soil Biogeochemistry in graduate level programs (MSc and PhD) at UNAM (1999 to date); semester course on Biogeochemistry in the Undergraduate Program in Environmental Sciences, UNAM (2006 to date).I was Chair of Science Steering Group of Programa Mexicano del Carbono (Mexican Carbon Program) since November 2005-2008, and General Coordinator of PMC from 2008 to 2010. I published as coauthors 67 scientific papers and 15 book chapters. I graduated 10 Bachelor students, 7 master students and 7 Ph D students.
Conservation Biology Ecology Microbiology Molecular Biology Soil Science