PeerJ Author
445 Points
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Xiang-Zhen Kong
PeerJ Author
My main research interest involves imaging genetics and its applications to basic and applied research. My research at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics mainly focuses on the genetic basis of human language network and brain asymmetry. That is, how the molecular genetic infrastructure supports the language-ready brain (e.g., leftward asymmetry of the language network) and gives rise to individual differences in language network and language performance.
In addition, I am interested in neuroimaging and network modeling methodologies for individual differences studies of brain structure and function.
Work details
Research Staff
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
September 2016
Language and Genetics Department
PeerJ Contributions
July 6, 2017
Jingguang Li, Xiang-Zhen Kong
December 6, 2014 - Version: 2
Xiang-zhen Kong
April 9, 2014 - Version: 3
Xiang-zhen Kong