PeerJ Author
410 Points
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Carlos E Coviella
PeerJ Author
Agronomic Engineer from Universidad Nacional de Luján, and PhD. in Entomology, University of California Riverside. Recivied a Fulbright Scholarship, at the Department of Entomology at UCR. Currently Professor of Ecology at the Universidad Nacional de Luján, Argentina, Director of the Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development at UNLu, and head of the Research Program in Land Ecology at the same University. Currently the PI of 5 research projects and Major Professor of 4 PhD students.
Past or current institution affiliations
Work details
Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable
PeerJ Contributions
May 26, 2015
LB Falco, R Sandler, F Momo, C Di Ciocco, L Saravia, C Coviella
March 5, 2015
Differential contribution of soil biota groups to plant litter decomposition as mediated by soil use
Ricardo A. Castro-Huerta, Liliana B. Falco, Rosana V. Sandler, Carlos E. Coviella
December 28, 2015 - Version: 1
Ricardo A Castro-Huerta, Fernando R Momo, Liliana B Falco, César A Di Ciocco, Carlos E Coviella
December 18, 2014 - Version: 1
Liliana B Falco, Rosana V Sandler, Fernando R Momo, César A Di Ciocco, Leonardo A Saravia, Carlos E Coviella
December 18, 2014 - Version: 1
Rosana V Sandler, Liliana B Falco, César A Di Ciocco, Ricardo Castro-Huerta, Carlos E Coviella
December 17, 2014 - Version: 1
Differential contribution of soil biota groups to plant litter decomposition as mediated by soil use
Ricardo A Casttro-Huerta, Liliana B Falco, Rosana V Sandler, Carlos Coviella